Remote control jet planes have always been a favorite sport or hobby for pilot enthusiasts or people who have failed to realize their dreams of becoming a pilot. The sight of them thrills the onlookers and provides a fantastic display of speed and control in the open sky.
However, the ability to fly RC jet planes is a daunting task and may not be easy for everyone.
These types of planes are fast inducted with sophisticated technology and may require first-hand experience. For beginners, learning the basics and controlling speed are one of the key things they can learn from an instructor when setting out to fly remote control jet planes. Flying a remote control jet plane will not pose to be a difficult task for individuals who already have some amount of experience, however, every model has certain distinct functions and capabilities that can be dealt with overtime by the individual by repeated flying time. This will promise to give the individual an exciting flying experience.
There are lots of models for beginners to take a start with. A World War II jet or sleek fighter as it is popularly known is a good choice. It is always wise to seek training from an instructor in the initial stages of learning, however, if you cannot find one, it is important that you follow the manual to avoid losing your plane in pieces in the first instant of flying. A “GWS Slow Stick Park Flyer” is also a recommendable plane for a beginner. Another model which is worth recommendable for a beginner is the RC Ariel Eagle B-52. This is an electric plane which is affordable and can be used to fly anywhere in the open sky. Another is the “Micro Flyer Wattage”, an indoor plane with a large wingspan. If you get to the desire of building your own rc jet plane, here is the free model rc airplane plans to give you the taste of what it is like to build your own rc jet plane from skretch.
For beginners that require less complexity to operate and fly a remote control jet plane, the model “Tiger Shark Seagull” is a good choice. This model serves as the classic choice for most beginners. It is far less complex and is easy to assemble and hard to break. Above all, the price is reasonable selling under $1000 only.
A beginners firm their grip of their remote control jet plane, they would want to posses more power and control over the plane and the flying experience. In this case, Midrange model will serve as a good choice for teenagers. In midrange planes, the “Soarer” is a suggested to be a good choice.
However, if you belong to the intermediate level of flying and love the power of alkaline batteries, then you can certainly opt for “Ready to Fly USAF Bomber”. It is just a plug and play format with added power and speed built with invincible body parts.
As hobbyists move to the expert-level stage and are aware of all the tricks of the trade of their jet plane, they go for more sophisticated and heavy machines. These machines are generally expensive and they can be ready to fly the minute they are unpacked. These planes are manufactured with full functionality such as the choice to replace parts with newer and more powerful parts. Also, these sophisticated machines can be personalized by painting them expressing your own personality and style. These models offer the best replication of a real aircraft. One of the most widely popular models is the “Fokker DR-1” which was manufactured after the World War I, known as the Red Baron. These models offer the perfect ability to conduct acrobatics in the open sky, thus providing a pleasant yet real experience of flying.

When you get to the pro level, you tend to learn the functions and methodologies of rc jet engines which are of different kinds and types. There is rc glow engine, rc turbine engine, pulse jet engine and many others. Working with remote control jet plane engines with your own hands is the kind of experience which cannot be explained but only felt.
Remote controlled jet planes usually have a built-in control that is handled by a handheld transmitter. Inside the transmitter, there is a receiver that helps to maneuver the plane in different directions and analyzing altitudes. These remote controlled jet planes (RC) are supplied in different sizes and designs. However, their parts are reasonably priced and it depends on how much you are willing to invest to get an exhilarating flying experience. RC jet planes are manufactured for both beginners and professionals, thus providing a wide variety of models with varying levels of performance, functionality and price.
The hottest remote control jet model is the Lingcat 380. This is an electric model and produced from plywood and balsa woods. Thus, it is quieter and less harmful to the environment. Another electric model worth mentioning is the “Sea wind Flying Boat”. This jet is known for its consistent performance, functionality and agility. It is also the sleekest jet model. The “Bobcat 46/53” is one of the most beautiful models, weighing around 5.5lb or 2500g. This plane is also made from plywood and balsa woods. An “AT-6-Texan-52” is popular among armies around the world for counter operations. This model is frequently used in trainings for combat operations.